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Physical Vapor Deposition News

As leaders in the metallizing and thin film coating industries, we at R.D. Mathis stay current with physical vapor deposition news. The R.D. Mathis Company provides regular updates in the form of our monthly newsletter and through our blog posts, keeping up-to-date with the latest developments.


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Image: Nature Communications (2024)

Thermal evaporation emerges as a promising strategy for scalable solid-state battery production | The Evaporator, Feb 2025

Tech Xplore | Researchers at University of Oxford, the Faraday Institution, Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. and other research institutes recently carried out a study exploring the different technologies and processes for creating thin lithium metal anodes for solid-state batteries.


We identify thermal evaporation as a potentially cost-effective route to address these challenges and provide a techno-economic assessment of the projected costs associated with the fabrication of thin, dense lithium metal foils using this process… more


Image: Nature Communications (2024)

Selective metal films deposition technique enables fabrication of soft electronics with various form factors | The Evaporator, Jan 2025

Seoul National University College of Engineering | A research team has developed a printing-based selective metal film deposition technique that enables the facile and fast fabrication of high-performance soft electronic devices and circuits in various forms… more


Image: Tobias Abheizer

New vapor deposition tech could accelerate commercial­ization of perovskite solar cell | The Evaporator, Dec 2024

pv magazine | Researchers in the United States developed a novel vapor deposition method for all-inorganic perovskite absorbers using continuous flash sublimation (CFS)… more


Ultrablack Coating Could Make Next-Gen Telescopes Even Better | The Evaporator, Nov 2024

American Institute of Physics | Sometimes, seeing clearly requires complete black. For astronomy and precision optics, coating devices in black paint can cut down on stray light, enhancing images and boosting performance… more


Ultra-Sensitive Sensor with Gold Nanoparticle Array | The Evaporator, Oct 2024

Nanowerk | The sensor is made up of a series of gold disk-shaped nanoparticles on a glass slide. The team at Bath discovered that when they shone an infra-red laser at a precise arrangement of the particles, they started to emit unusual amounts of ultra violet (UV) light… more


Alumina coated tungsten boat, Tungsten filament, Tungsten sputtering targets, Tungsten rod

Tall order: NASA’s Psyche in TVAC testing | The Evaporator, Apr 2022

California Institute of Technology | NASA’s Psyche spacecraft is seen in early 2022 as it is placed in the 85-foot-tall, 25-foot-wide (26-meter-by-8-meter) ultra-sturdy vacuum chamber at the agency’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California… more


Alumina coated tungsten boat, Tungsten filament, Tungsten sputtering targets, Tungsten rod

Improved heterojunction fluorescence advances photo-devices | The Evaporator, Mar 2022

AzoNano | In a study published in Material Research Express, a group of researchers prepared TiN/CsPbBr3 heterostructure that could transport more electrons quicker and minimize non-radiative exchange with the aid of TiN nanoparticles… more


Alumina coated tungsten boat, Tungsten filament, Tungsten sputtering targets, Tungsten rod

Researchers shed light on role of kinetics in fluid transport | The Evaporator, Feb 2022 | Remco Hartkamp, Max Döpke and Fenna Westerbaan van der Meij, researchers at the Delft University of Technology department Process & Energy, are shedding new light on the role of surface reaction rates of liquid in electrokinetic transport… more


The Evaporator | 2015-2022

R.D. Mathis Company’s newsletter, The Evaporator, has nearly a decade’s worth of history. It was first started via email before having its relaunch in 2024.

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