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Technical Library

The RD Mathis Company offers several technical papers that relate to various aspects of the thin film coating process and the Thermal Evaporation Method of depositing materials in vacuum. These papers are available to you upon your request and may offer valuable insight into a specific thin film coating questions that you might have.

Listed below are the publications, along with a brief description, that we would be happy to send to you upon your request. Click the linked documents below for a PDF version.

Vacuum Evaporation Sources Catalog
Vacuum Evaporation Sources Catalog
Inert Gas Purifer - "GP100"
The Purification of Inert Gases
Cool Lip Crucible Flyer
Thin Film Evaporation Source Reference Guide
Thin Film Evaporation Materials Source Reference Guide
Low Voltage, High Current AC Power Supplies
Evaporation of Metals from a Covered Boat Source
Evaporation with the Single Grain Box Source
Power Requirement Table
Evaporation Source Selection Guide
Silicon Monoxide - Properties and Evaporation Techniques
Silicon Monoxide Evaporation with the Multi-Baffled Box Source