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For more than a half-century, RD Mathis Company has brought a higher level of expertise, quality, and innovation to meet even the most challenging customer needs.

  • Quality & Precision
  • Unmatched Product Selection
  • Superior Custom Products
  • Outstanding Customer Support

RD Mathis Company leads the industry for good reason.  When you work with us, we deliver many advantages, including:

  • Unmatched Product Selection
  • Tops in Technical Experience
  • Proven Designs
  • Innovative Custom Products
  • Gold Standard In Quality

  • ISO 9001 & AS9100 Certified
  • Made in the USA
  • Full Online Shopping & Purchase
  • Short Production Times
  • Outstanding Customer Service

We proudly serve these industries:

  • Metallizing
  • Optical
  • Energy
  • Decorative
  • Universities

  • Research Labs
  • Semiconductor
  • Solar
  • Lighting
  • Functional

Quality Assurance

We are committed to providing the highest quality sources & materials in the industry.  Customer satisfaction is our number one goal.