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Evaporation sources
May 2023 marked R.D. Mathis Company’s 60th year specializing in high-vacuum evaporation sources and materials. Our longevity and success in the industry are a testament to the quality of our products and the dedication of our team throughout the years.  Here’s a look at the key qualities that make R.D. Mathis Company what it is today:...
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Evaporation Sources
Evaporation sources are components used in the process of physical vapor deposition (PVD), a technique used to deposit thin films of material onto a substrate. Here’s an overview of three commonly used sources:  1. Alumina Coated Evaporation Sources Alumina-coated sources were created to replace alumina crucibles for certain applications. The alumina coating provides several benefits...
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Evaporation materials
Evaporation materials are used in vacuum deposition processes to produce a thin film on a substrate. They’re commonly utilized in various high-demand sectors, including the electronics, optical, medical and energy industries— they can have a wide range of properties and applications, depending on the material used.Here are five common evaporation materials used for industrial applications:...
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