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Technical Library

The RD Mathis Company offers technical papers that to relate thin film coating processes and thermal evaporation methods of depositing materials in vacuum. These papers are made available, supporting R&D and academia, offering valuable insight into thin film coating inquiries or processes.


As a company, we strive to support thermal evaporation research and development. Listed below are publications including the RD Mathis Catalog, power requirement tables, reference guides for physical vapor deposition methods, and technical papers regarding specific materials & sources. 


See our Vacuum Evaporation Sources Catalog (right) for our standard selection of evaporation sources. For further inquiries about thermal evaporation research or troubleshooting, contact our technical team. 

RDM Web Catalog Cover

Reference Tables

Power supply specifications and evaporation source selection guides:

Thin Film Evaporation Source Reference Guide
Thin Film Evaporation Source Reference Guide
Power Requirement Table
Power Requirement Table
Evaporation Source Selection Guide

*Note: Parameters in the Vacuum Evaporation Power Requirement Table are not maximum values. It provides information about estimated amperages needed for the thermal evaporation source to reach the specified temperature. Thermal output is changed by adjusting the amperage by the same percentage as the temperature.

Technical Papers

Thin film analysis and thermal evaporation research papers:

thermal evaporation research
Evaporation with the Single Grain Box Source
thermal evaporation research
Silicon Monoxide - Properties and Evaporation Techniques
thermal evaporation research
Evaporation of Metals from a Covered Boat Source
thermal evaporation research
Silicon Monoxide Evaporation with the Multi-Baffled Box Source
thermal evaporation research
The Purification of Inert Gases
Low Voltage, High Current AC Power Supplies
Low Voltage, High Current AC Power Supplies
Inert Gas Purifer - "GP100"
Inert Gas Purifer - "GP100"
Cool Lip Crucible - "C5-BNC-CL"
Cool Lip Crucible - "C9-BNC-CL"

Thermal Evaporation Research

Can’t find specific info about a particular evaporation source or material for your process?

Email our technical team to see what we can provide you with at