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Covid-19 Statement to our Customers

The R. D. Mathis Company has been identified as being a critical supplier to many of our customers who provide products and services to the Essential infrastructure sectors. These critical sectors include Department of Defense products, Department of Energy projects, Communication Equipment and Medical devices.

Our company continues to operate and is following all of the guidelines and recommendations suggested by the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control. We have taken all of the necessary precautions to keep our workplace safe and secure. All employees have agreed to these precautions as well and we have restricted access to our facility.  We are running at full speed and plan on continuing to be fully operational for the foreseeable future and do not expect any disruptions in our ability to provide our products to our customers. We have checked with our supply chain and do not expect any shortages of raw materials.

However, we do not have control over further local, or federal restrictions that may develop that would cause us to change our current operational plans. Should anything develop from a regulatory standpoint that will affect our facility, we will let you know as soon as we are aware of it.

We appreciate your business and hope that you, your co-workers and your families stay safe during this trying time.

Click here to access our newsletter archives from “The Evaporator,” the official newsletter of the RD Mathis Company!

The Evaporator

Evaporation sources

60 Years of Excellence: The R.D. Mathis Company’s Legacy

May 2023 marked R.D. Mathis Company’s 60th year specializing in high-vacuum evaporation sources and materials. Our longevity and success in the industry are a testament to the quality of our products and the dedication of our team throughout the years.  Here’s a look at the key qualities that make R.D. Mathis Company what it is today:...
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Evaporation Sources

3 Common Types of Evaporation Sources

Evaporation sources are components used in the process of physical vapor deposition (PVD), a technique used to deposit thin films of material onto a substrate. Here’s an overview of three commonly used sources:  1. Alumina Coated Evaporation Sources Alumina-coated sources were created to replace alumina crucibles for certain applications. The alumina coating provides several benefits...
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Evaporation materials

5 Common Evaporation Materials Used for Industrial Applications

Evaporation materials are used in vacuum deposition processes to produce a thin film on a substrate. They’re commonly utilized in various high-demand sectors, including the electronics, optical, medical and energy industries— they can have a wide range of properties and applications, depending on the material used.Here are five common evaporation materials used for industrial applications:...
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